What’s WHAT?

WHAT GOT GATHERED makes vibrant food from foraged, organic and local ingredients–and teaches you what we’ve learned about gathering food from the wild. 

Each of our small-batch fermented hot sauces, wildflower vinegars, live-culture ferments and preserves is unique–a bright, complex layering of flavors drawn from the forests, fields, farms and gardens of southern Wisconsin.  

Foraging and fermentation can deepen our connection with wildness, visible and invisible, outside us and within.  Through delicious, healthy food, we want to share the flavor of wildness with you. 

We gather, eat, work, play, sing, sleep, read, write, wander and wonder in and around Madison, Wisconsin.  Looking for food outdoors expands into a multifaceted, limitless journey into greater intimacy with the land and the living communities deep in the woods,  and right outside our door, in the soil and air.  Traditional and innovative ways of cooking and preserving inform our sense of food as primary human medicine, where pleasure and nourishment enhance our lives in body and spirit.

As we grow (at whatever pace feels good), we continue to widen the range of our offerings, occasionally including wild greens, nuts and fruits, plant and fungal medicines, and wild tea and spice mixes.  Whatever we produce, we’ll remain committed to practices that support human health and flourishing ecological diversity.  We aim to gather ingredients only from clean ground.  Aware that wild food has become trendy in the world of fine dining, we minimize the use of plants threatened by profit-motivated, irresponsible harvest–or we don’t use them at all.  Also aware that most large-scale agriculture tends to damage the health of our planet, we source cultivated ingredients from growers–many of them friends–who pour humbling intensities of thought and energy into care for the soil, air, water and wildlife of the land they tend.

There’s already a gathering taking place around the wildness, in all its aspects, that makes our planet Home.  Without overstating the significance of what we do, we hope our little enterprise has something to contribute to that gathering.

What Got Gathered’s most involved human is Andy Gricevich, local forager, nature connection mentor, musician and poet (among other things). WGG would be impossible without the ongoing collaboration between Andy and his partner Nora, and without the involvement of many family members, friends and countless fellow travelers on the paths of wild, local, and regenerative food, food systems and the cultivation of a world oriented toward real human desires and needs.